
Media: a means of communication through which one can transfer information

Technophobe: a person who fears, dislikes, or avoids technology

Technogeek: a person who is an expert in technology and constantly keeps up with the newest technology

Digital native: a person born during or after the digital era (circa the '90s)

Digital immigrant: a person born before the digital era (who is usually not very familiar with technology)

Information literacy: the ability to find, retrieve, analyze, and use information

Clues of information literacy:
Currency: how recent is the website?
Audience: who is the target audience of the website?
Validity: does the website have valid references?
Authority: who made the website content?
Point of view: is the website content biased?

Basic goe sarch operators:
- (minus sign/hyphen): a word that follows this sign isn't included in the search

~ (this wormy sign): synonyms of the word that follows this sign are included in the search

" " (double quotation marks): to search for a specific set of words

* (asterisk): to find a word that comes before/between/after a phrase

site: (site colon): to find information from a specific site

related: (related colon): to find websites of a similar kind

define: (define colon): to give a complete dictionary entry of a word (definition, word origin, synonyms, antonyms)


What makes a bad PowerPoint presentation?
-Illegible text or graphic
-Obnoxious background or graphic
-Distracting animation
-Image put there for no reason at all
-Gratuitous graphic
-Too much text

How to zip a file:
-Right click, send to zip

Leon Breukelman is a 17 -year old from Netherlands. He has the Cystic Fibrosis, or more commonly known (and easily pronounced) as CF, which is a chronic disease, but keeps his views positive in life. Below is my interview with Leon on living with CF.

On Thursday (24/3) night, an earthquake of 6.8 magnitude hit Burma, near the Thailand border - 235 kilometers north-east of Chiang Mai, which is the second most populous city in Thailand as well as a popular tourist destination, to be exact. The last report announced that at least 75 people were killed in the disaster and at least 100 are injured. The earthquake could be felt in Bangkok, Hanoi and parts of China.

And just almost two weeks ago, a grand quake of 9.0 magnitude hit Japan, triggering the massive waves of tsunami and causing nuclears to explode. The earthquake and tsunami have been dangerous themselves, and now the radioactive from the nuclears are contaminating water and food supplies, causing even more danger to the Japanese. This also means they will be shorter on refreshements.

A lot of earthquakes have been occuring lately - mostly tectonics - and they often have other disasters following, natural or otherwise. And for this reason, even though I am not an expert in geography - never have been - I am going to discuss about the Richter Magnitude Scale, which is, as far as I know, the most frequently used scale used to measure earthquakes.

The World Meteorological Day (WMD) is celebrated as a part of The World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The WMO, according to Wikipedia, is an intergovernmental organization with a membership of 189 Member States and Territories. It originated from the International Meteorological Organization (IMO), which was founded in 1873. The organization was found in 1950 and it is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) for meteorology, operational hydrology and related geophysical sciences. The tag line of the official WMO website is "Working together in weather, climate and water."

This year's WMD theme is "Climate for You".

Zi Long is a 21-year old Chinese living in England. He loves martial arts and shares with us his passion.

The world of the Internet has been capturing more and more people lately, even including the parents - people who usually tell us to get off the computer and start studying. As sure as I am that we all have read about the irresponsible parents who neglect their babies to death while they are busy with their online games, I am going to introduce you all to this awesome woman, mother of two children, who manages to balance her real life and our Bleach role-playing-centered forum awesomely. Even though she is not the forum's most active member, she's certainly a valuable and well-known member! So I present to you all, my interview with Amaranti of Bandung, Indonesia!

Young, carefree and inspired
Obstinate and brash
Unburdened and unbound by the limits of the mind in
The Springtime of Youth, with
Happiness all abound